It is used as a reagent due to its high reaction speed, for the preparation of calcium soaps intended for the manufacture of additives and derivatives of animal feed.

It is a solution of copper sulfate to which lime grout is added with a sufficient amount for neutralization; these two liquids are prepared separately and then mixed. With them, plants attacked by harmful organisms are wetted, being very effective especially to combat downy mildew in vines, fusicladium in fruit trees, American blight, leaf and tuber rot in potatoes, etc...

The floor of the chicken coops is always covered with straw mixed with pine scraps and chicken droppings. This mixture is usually moist, being a breeding ground for bad smells and parasites of the chickens, spreading very easily like coccidiosis. Slaked lime reduces bacterial action, acts as a sterilizing agent and loosens the mantle, thus allowing air circulation and moisture evaporation. Waste treated with slaked lime is an excellent fertilizer known as chicken manure. It is usually applied in agricultural fields, providing phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and organic matter.

Calcium and magnesium amendments are the basis of modern and rational agriculture:
- They participate in the good management of the fields (acidity, porosity, biological activity of the soil,...).
- They allow optimal mineral and organic fertilization (better rationalization of the manure terraces).
- They value plant and animal production (quality of grass, quality of cereals, etc.).