The group dedicated to the manufacture of lime and its derivatives sold, last year, products worth 29.2 million euros

The manufacturer of lime from Penedes, Cales de Pachs, has closed 2022 with record figures. After two financial years marked by the Covid19 pandemic and the energy price crisis, the company based in Pacs del Penedès (Alt Penedès) and Portugal climbed last year’s turnover to 29, 3 million euros.

Amb aquesta xifra de vendes, Cales de Pachs incrementa un 50% la facturació del 2021, que va ser de 20 milions d’euros.

Tot i que els primers mesos de l’any passat l’increment del preu de l’energia feia preveure un exercici complicat, la resiliència de la companyia líder en fabricació de calç va fer capgirar el balanç. Una de les claus ha estat l’aposta per un canvi de combustible per a la fabricació cap a opcions neutres en emissions de CO2.

“Vam començar el 2022 amb perspectives negatives, però hem tancat l’any molt satisfets”, han apuntat Valentí i Xavier Grané, propietaris de Cales de Pachs.

Tailor made products

One of the keys to the success of Cales de Pachs is the company’s commitment to specialized products. For years, they have run away from so-called commodities – unprocessed products with zero added value – to manufacture innovative lime derivatives, which can be applied to multiple sectors.

Among the most prominent applications are environmental uses, with specific products for the treatment of industrial fumes (Technical Air) or the treatment of sewage sludge (Technical Net), among others.