The company received the recognition a few days after being awarded the National Environment Award


Cales de Pachs is lucky again. The Pacs del Penedès company, dedicated to the manufacture of lime, has received a new recognition, this time from the Federació Empresarial del Gran Penedès (FEGP).

During the Company Night, which was held on Thursday at the Juvé i Camps de Sant Sadurní d’Anoia winery, the company from Penedes was awarded the FEGP Award for Innovation, which endorses the commitment that Cales de Pachs has made in recent years to develop innovative products. The recognition was collected by Esteve Gaona, a member of the optional management of the company, who was accompanied during the event by the entire management team of Cales de Pachs.

The award ceremony was attended by the Minister of Business, Roger Torrent, who reaffirmed the importance of industry in Catalonia. “We want to reach 25% of the weight of the industry in our country. It seems to us an ambitious and possible goal that will allow us to generate wealth with a modern and green industry”, said Torrent.

Innovation to guarantee the future

To prevail over the competition of multinational companies, the company, founded in 1967 by the Grané family, has distinguished itself from the manufacture of common products (commodities) and has given lime new uses, basically with environmental applications. Treating water for human consumption and industrial and incinerator fumes, disinfecting waste water or sanitizing sewage sludge are some of the uses of the lime produced in Cales de Pachs.

The FEGP’s recognition of Cales de Pachs’ innovative approach comes just a few days after the company was awarded the National Environment Award by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.

In this case, the Spanish government has highlighted the work done by the Pacs del Penedès company “in the development and technological innovation in the search for sustainability”.

The Government recognizes the work of the Pacs del Penedès company in the development and technological innovation in search of sustainability


The Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has recognized Cales de Pachs with the National Environment Award ‘Lucas Mallada, economy and environment’. The Spanish government has highlighted the work done by the Pacs del Penedès company “in technological development and innovation in search of sustainability”.

The 2021 National Energy and Environment Awards, which have been restored after more than a decade, publicly recognize people or entities that have stood out, either for their creative, scientific, educational or social contributions in favor of the decarbonisation of the economy, or for environmental or climate defence, studies or promotion, contributing to the conservation and protection of environmental values.

According to MITECO, the Pacs del Penedès company has demonstrated with its activity “that the use of lime to absorb polluting gases and for the treatment of sewage sludge is effective in combating pollution, and is economically viable”.

Xavier Grané, owner of the company together with his brother Valentí Grané, collected the award on Monday at a gala held at the Ministry’s headquarters. In his speech, Grané highlighted the work Cales de Pachs is doing to compete with large corporations “developing products for niche markets, with creativity, ingenuity and work, that is, R&D”.

The owner of Cales de Pachs highlighted two of the products that the company manufactures in the field of the environment, such as MICROXICAL (focused on plastic recycling and the circular economy) and TECHNICAL-AIR (for the treatment of polluting effluents to avoid acid rain).

Xavi Grané also pointed out that this award “is comforting after a time when we had to suffer the pandemic, the energy crisis, and the increase in the price of CO2 emissions”. In addition, he took advantage of his parliament to demand that the B-40 (popularly known as the Fourth Belt) be ended once and for all “because it would save many tons of greenhouse gases that are produced by the congestion of the B-30 “.  

For her part, the Vice-President of the Government and Minister for the Energy Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera, recalled in her speech that “it is essential to have the commitment of all citizens” in the midst of the process towards a model economically and socially more sustainable.

“You represent the ability to do things in a different way and value the power of the citizens, of the small, of an active citizenry that knows what its scope is to build”, said Ribera to the awardees.

In addition to Cales de Pachs, they have been awarded the 2021 National Energy and Environment Awards: the Global Nature Foundation and the Oxígeno Foundation (National Environmental Award “Félix Rodríguez de La Fuente, nature conservation”, and Econward Tech (Maria del Rosario Heras National Energy Award). Eight extraordinary awards and two honorable mentions have also been awarded.

The Imuplsa Talentum XXI Foundation highlights the investment in innovation and sustainability that the Penedes company has carried out in recent years

The Impulsa Talentum XXI foundation presented this weekend the 32 awards corresponding to the 2021 edition of the Talent Chamber Awards, in a round of interviews and meetings that took place on Saturday and Sunday, at the Hub Cambra of the Chamber of Commerce, collaborating entity of the awards.

Among them, Cales de Pachs has received the Chamber Talent Award 2021, in the Energy Transition category. Valentí Grané, general manager of the company together with his brother Xavier Grané, has collected the award. The company has highlighted its satisfaction with this award, which recognizes the investment in sustainability and innovation that the Penedes company has made in recent years.

Cales de Pachs has been committed to finding new uses for lime for some time now. Over the last decade, in collaboration with several university centers, it has developed innovative applications for its products, mainly intended for the care of the environment.

In addition, the company from Penedès has been working with biomass in its production processes for some time, and currently has a project on the table to install a 3,000 KW solar panel park at its headquarters in Pacs del Penedès. The energy plant would allow Cales de Pachs to reduce its CO2 emissions by 32% and to make it a reality an investment of 2 million euros is needed.

The Chamber Talent Awards

The awards want to recognize people, projects, institutions and companies that stand out for providing imaginative solutions to challenges, problems and situations, which have been chosen by various juries, from the socio-health and care fields to sports , from industry to the media, passing through the transfer of knowledge or literature and performing arts. Among the most cross-cutting criteria are the use of technology, sustainability or environmental criteria, in addition to innovative, successful and disruptive projects.

Bru Recolons, president of the Impulsa Talentum foundation highlights the relevance of many projects, “which are a very outstanding advance in the use of technology and innovation to solve challenges and problems in our society”. In addition, Recolons explains that among the winners of previous years there are “startups that are now on top of everything, unicorns, and even companies that are listed in New York, which demonstrates the value of the juries and confirms the need to award the talent, to help its impulse”.

During the weekend members of the public administration passed through the Cambra hub such as the Minister of Justice, Lourdes Ciuró; the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Mònica Roca; the deputy for culture of the Barcelona Provincial Council, Joan Carles Garcia Cañizares; or the honorary president of the Welcome Talent Society, Antoni Gelonch, among many others, to present the awards to the winners.

The awardees have received the trophy that accredits them as this year’s winners in their category. In addition, they will be part of a business diagnosis carried out by the Impulsa Talentum Foundation for each of them to help improve the project from very diverse areas, in the preparation of a piece in report format, and in communication support through Catalonia Talent.

The business group obtains the seal of Innovative SME from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the search for new applications for lime

Cales de Pachs group has made a strong commitment to innovation in recent years. In order to prevail over the competition of multinational companies, the company founded in 1967 by the Grané family, has distinguished itself from the manufacture of common products (commodities) and has given lime new uses, basically with environmental applications.

The constant investment that the group from Penedes has made in i+D+I has earned it the recognition of the Spanish government, which a few months ago awarded it the PYME Innovadora seal. Currently less than 1% of companies are in a position to obtain this seal from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, which highlights the work of small and medium-sized companies in the implementation of innovative practices.

Lime is a product with a long history. It was already used thousands of years ago as conglomerate for construction. The Greeks and Romans used it to build their empires. Little by little, however, the use of lime for construction has been losing strength, and new applications have been sought for this derivative of limestone. Cales de Pachs is one of the groups that has led this new conception of lime, investing in the research of new products.


In recent years, it has developed multiple applications focused on improving environmental sustainability. Treating water for human consumption and industrial and incinerator fumes, disinfecting waste water or sanitizing sewage sludge are some of the uses of the lime produced in Cales de Pachs.

The Unió Empresarial del Penedès recognizes Cales de Pachs in the field of occupational safety

On July 14 during the Business Night 2016 organized by the Unió Empresarial del Penedès (UEP), which brought together nearly 200 people from the business, political and associative world of Penedès at the Mirador de les Caves de Subirats restaurant, Cales de Pachs she was awarded the UEP Award for 0 Accidents in recognition of having been for 500 days in a row without any occupational accidents.

The award was collected by Mr. Francesc Piñol, Production Director of Cales de Pachs, who thanked the involvement of all the staff and management of the company in making this recognition possible.

Cales de Pachs receives recognition for its track record in the field of reducing emissions from Councilor Baltasar

Since 2005, the Generalitat de Catalunya has recognized with the Environment Award the relevant dedication of individuals, natural and legal, public and private, in favor of the protection and improvement of our environment, in the areas of climate change mitigation and waste reduction and recycling. The Environment Awards are part of the Generalitat’s set of actions to promote and stimulate the production and transfer of knowledge to society.

In 2008, Cales de Pachs received recognition for its track record in reducing emissions. The Generalitat has recognized the trajectory of this family company, with 40 years of existence, dedicated to the production of lime which, since 1971, has been incorporating the best available techniques into its production process, improving its energy efficiency and reducing emissions into the atmosphere.

The latest action has been the installation of a biomass micronization plant as a substitute for fossil fuel, which has made it possible to halve CO2 emissions and benefit the meat sector.

Cales de Pachs est finaliste de ce concours dans la catégorie “Efficacité énergétique et énergies renouvelables”.

Cales de Pachs a reçu un prix en tant que finaliste aux Prix Prince Felipe dans la catégorie «Efficacité énergétique et énergies renouvelables».

Le Prix Prince Felipe est le prix national espagnol d’excellence, créé en 1993 pour mettre en valeur les meilleures pratiques de gestion des entreprises espagnoles.