The Imuplsa Talentum XXI Foundation highlights the investment in innovation and sustainability that the Penedes company has carried out in recent years

The Impulsa Talentum XXI foundation presented this weekend the 32 awards corresponding to the 2021 edition of the Talent Chamber Awards, in a round of interviews and meetings that took place on Saturday and Sunday, at the Hub Cambra of the Chamber of Commerce, collaborating entity of the awards.

Among them, Cales de Pachs has received the Chamber Talent Award 2021, in the Energy Transition category. Valentí Grané, general manager of the company together with his brother Xavier Grané, has collected the award. The company has highlighted its satisfaction with this award, which recognizes the investment in sustainability and innovation that the Penedes company has made in recent years.

Cales de Pachs has been committed to finding new uses for lime for some time now. Over the last decade, in collaboration with several university centers, it has developed innovative applications for its products, mainly intended for the care of the environment.

In addition, the company from Penedès has been working with biomass in its production processes for some time, and currently has a project on the table to install a 3,000 KW solar panel park at its headquarters in Pacs del Penedès. The energy plant would allow Cales de Pachs to reduce its CO2 emissions by 32% and to make it a reality an investment of 2 million euros is needed.

The Chamber Talent Awards

The awards want to recognize people, projects, institutions and companies that stand out for providing imaginative solutions to challenges, problems and situations, which have been chosen by various juries, from the socio-health and care fields to sports , from industry to the media, passing through the transfer of knowledge or literature and performing arts. Among the most cross-cutting criteria are the use of technology, sustainability or environmental criteria, in addition to innovative, successful and disruptive projects.

Bru Recolons, president of the Impulsa Talentum foundation highlights the relevance of many projects, “which are a very outstanding advance in the use of technology and innovation to solve challenges and problems in our society”. In addition, Recolons explains that among the winners of previous years there are “startups that are now on top of everything, unicorns, and even companies that are listed in New York, which demonstrates the value of the juries and confirms the need to award the talent, to help its impulse”.

During the weekend members of the public administration passed through the Cambra hub such as the Minister of Justice, Lourdes Ciuró; the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Mònica Roca; the deputy for culture of the Barcelona Provincial Council, Joan Carles Garcia Cañizares; or the honorary president of the Welcome Talent Society, Antoni Gelonch, among many others, to present the awards to the winners.

The awardees have received the trophy that accredits them as this year’s winners in their category. In addition, they will be part of a business diagnosis carried out by the Impulsa Talentum Foundation for each of them to help improve the project from very diverse areas, in the preparation of a piece in report format, and in communication support through Catalonia Talent.