The business group obtains the seal of Innovative SME from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the search for new applications for lime

Cales de Pachs group has made a strong commitment to innovation in recent years. In order to prevail over the competition of multinational companies, the company founded in 1967 by the Grané family, has distinguished itself from the manufacture of common products (commodities) and has given lime new uses, basically with environmental applications.

The constant investment that the group from Penedes has made in i+D+I has earned it the recognition of the Spanish government, which a few months ago awarded it the PYME Innovadora seal. Currently less than 1% of companies are in a position to obtain this seal from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, which highlights the work of small and medium-sized companies in the implementation of innovative practices.

Lime is a product with a long history. It was already used thousands of years ago as conglomerate for construction. The Greeks and Romans used it to build their empires. Little by little, however, the use of lime for construction has been losing strength, and new applications have been sought for this derivative of limestone. Cales de Pachs is one of the groups that has led this new conception of lime, investing in the research of new products.


In recent years, it has developed multiple applications focused on improving environmental sustainability. Treating water for human consumption and industrial and incinerator fumes, disinfecting waste water or sanitizing sewage sludge are some of the uses of the lime produced in Cales de Pachs.